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Figure Archive (Alphabetical)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Psylocke (X-Force v2)

Comes with an alternate angry head, psy-sword, wakizashi and a mean flying kick.


  1. Good afternoon Dave!

    Psylocke arrived just now. I... I am utterly speechless. She is an absolute work of art. The parts, the face, the shading, the belt, the raised costume details... I can't put into words how much of a masterpiece this figure is. I once again apologize for asking for jointed elbows and feet halfway through the process, it was very unprofessional of me to do so. However the end result is absolutely breathtaking, and I couldn't be more grateful that you were able to get a new figure and acknowledge my request.

    I can't speak highly enough of your work Dave, but thank you so much for this figure. She is worth every penny and then-some. Suffice to say that, if you'd have me, I am more than willing to be a repeat customer to your team. :)
    So there we go! She is safe and sound in the UK now as I'm sure you're glad to hear. :D
    Once again thank you so much, I couldn't be happier with the result.

    God bless,

  2. Wow! Pretty figure! Lucky guy!
