Thursday, August 17, 2017

Black Panther - Olivetti-style

Good day. Our figure for today features an updated version of our most popular and widely-replicated formula, which we call the "Stylized/Olivetti style". If we have a signature recipe, this will be it. Our first figure that employed this, way back around 6 years ago is, Captain America.

Carrying on the tradition, Black Panther sports the usual, exaggerated musculature and carries a variety of weapons...
- a golden spear
- a big@$$ knife that fit in a sheathe on his harness
- and a pair of kamas that connect at the hilts to form a double-headed blade. They also fit in a case on his back that look like his trademark "collar" facing front.

This figure was finished with our signature, super-sharp and super-smooth paintjob that shows
gradient hues of rich black and blue. Hope you like him guys. God bless!

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